Resources for distance education during COVIC-19

Managing your classroom during the pandemic

Many educators are now delivering content to their students via distance education. To help reduce the stress of online learning and relieve some of your lesson planning, we’ve put together  some of our best resources including great lessons and tutorials like the ones below:

Reality Check: Authentication 101 (Grades 9-12) 

In this lesson, students consider the different factors that make online sources reliable or unreliable. They then learn quick steps they can take to gauge an online source’s reliability and practice these steps by playing an interactive online game.
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Challenging hate online (Grades 10-12)

In this lesson, students learn how digital media is used to promote or combat hatred and intolerance. After discussing the different ways that hate organizations get their messages out and how digital media have the potential to work against hatred, students visit and analyze anti-hate initiative websites.hh

Wide Open School -A free collection of the best online learning experiences.

BC Digital Classroom – K-12 evaluated resource collection: expanded access until June 2020

Open School BC K-12 resources for students, teachers and parents

OER Commons A public digital library of open educational resources.

Everfi Digital teacher resources to teach students crititcal skills  Educational audio and video content during COVID-19

APTN (Aboriginal People’s TV Network) Award-winning Canadian Aboriginal television programming.